Thursday, March 28, 2013

Who says I can't get stoned, plan a trip to Japan alone?

After original plans for my Osaka trip fell through (whereby I was completely dependent on someone else planning it), I decided that I would plan it myself and make it a trip of a lifetime. I've harboured a desire to see the sakura bloom for close to a decade now, and I'd be damned if I let something so ridiculously inconsequential as a lack of a planner get in the way of me and seeing the sakura!

So, two months before I was due to get on that plane, I started reading up on Japan. And it was just.. mind-numbing.

Firstly, not only was there a stupendous amount of things to do, places to see, advice to try this and that, finding accommodations.. there was also trying to figure our the mere logistics of things. Like transportation. First rule of travelling: how do I get around?

This is something NOBODY seems to be able to summarily tell me about Kyoto, in all my Googling. How does one get around? There seemed to be a bajillion and one options. As a result, I was determined to write about it, in the hopes that my own experience will be able to help someone else.

So. Here's a little FAQ list. All the things I wish someone had told me before I even got on that plane:

Transport in Kyoto

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